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Archive for the ‘Video – general’ Category

Video Snow Skiing – ‘falling skies’ film trailer RJF  -  The trailer for Run Jump Fly productions new ski movie out to download from the 22nd of October 2009 on

Video Skateboard – Jackson Casey Friends With Benefits – John Rob Moore

Video Snowboard – Peep Show Teaser – An all-girl snowboard film featuring – June Bhongjan, Desiree Melancon, Esthera Preda, Laurie Gauvin, Magalie Dubois, Sara Phillips, Jess Kimura, Marie Hucal, Sandra Hillen, Izzy Lalive, Gabby Maiden, Bev Vuilleumier, Claudia Biron, Madison Blackley, Ariane Moisan, Iris Lazz, Maribeth Swetkoff, and MORE friends


Travis Pastrana took a few hours out of his marathon mountain bike ride and Rally Car race schedule to finally land his infamous 720 flip trick that went so wrong at X Games in the summer. Travis rode out of the completed trick, but re-named it the TP7 as he still needs 20 degrees of rotation to call it perfect! Chad Reed made a guest appearance as a Nitro Circus Crew member and took part in some explosive Supercross action caught in its full glory on super high speed cameras. The results were incredible! As a final gesture to confirm that Chad has really joined the Circus, he rode over to the scene of Travis’ TP7 and proceeded to land his first ever backflip ‘ ” all on his full factory 450 Suzuki! DVD Available at Kicker Films -http:  //